Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Happy New Year

Well, I suppose it's better late than never! Happy New Year to anyone who may take the time to read this. I hope you had a wonderful holiday filled with love and happiness. Our house wasn't as chaotic as some, but with two toddlers it seems to stay hectic around here. We traveled to visit family for Christmas. The girls got to spend some time with their big sister and cousins. They certainly had a ball. I hope to not wait until Christmas 2015 to visit with them again.

With a new year vastly passing by we always seem to make resolutions or deem the beginning of the year as a starting point to accomplish certain goals. I tend to never follow through with resolutions. This year I decided that instead of making a traditional "New Years resolution", that I would make some guidelines for my 2015 year.

As with most people after the holidays, we tend to want to diet or lose 'x' amount of weight. As a family, including my mother and baby sister, we have decided to begin healthy meal planning. I am certainly familiar with meal planning, but I have yet to find a method that is fitting for our lifestyle. I am a stay at home mommy to a nearly 2 & 3 year old. Finding the time to shower is difficult, much less to pre-prepare meals or cook large quantities at a single time. In the future, I will certainly give it a shot. In the meantime, I am still looking for a meal planning system that I will utilize. At this point I plan to make a weekly menu and go from there. Since neither of my girls are in school yet all three meals and snacks will be included with mine.

Speaking of not finding time to do anything-- I also have began purging a great deal out of our home. I am not aiming for a minimalist home. Though I have nothing against minimalism and feel everyone has their own idea of minimal living, again with two toddler girls I just don't feel that is fitting at the moment. I am however ridding our home of things we haven't used or needed in the last year. I have totes, like 20, full of clothing that the girls have outgrown, so that will certainly free some space. Along with this decluttering I am hoping to implement a new organizational system. I have found so many blogs with such wonderful, budget friendly, and simple organization ideas.

Maybe I can bring you all along these journeys with us. It may not be quick or easy, but I know it will be worth it. Not only by ridding my home of clutter, but my mind as well.

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